Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Lowell s Theories On Extraterrestrial Life And Canals On...

Introduction Percival Lowell’s theories considering extraterrestrial life on Mars creates a great deal of controversy; whether or not the general public and the science community should recognize him for his achievements. Lowell’s novels regarding extraterrestrial life and canals on Mars would evoke the public s attention. Which would cause the red planet to be under debate whether or not there is proof that contemporary life does exist on Mars. This debate would also begin to question Lowell’s validity as a professional astronomer. Since his theories had no factual proof or evidence, it was natural to question his knowledge of astronomy. Percival Lowell’s hypotheses in subject to extraterrestrial life, canals and vegetation on the planet Mars erroneously praises Lowell for his achievements in astronomy. Although most readers of eighteenth century astronomy and science fiction argue that, Lowell was a valid astronomer and that his theories set the debate of extraterres trial life in motion. Closer examination shows that Lowell’s was delusional and his assumptions would benefit science fiction more than actual science. The importance of understanding Lowell’s accusations in astronomy is to encourage confirmation of aberration of Mars and extraterrestrial life. 2. Examination Of Percival Lowell It is important to give context of Percival Lowell, because his personality and circumstances shape his thesis on extraterrestrial life on Mars. Lowell was â€Å"no interloperShow MoreRelatedLife on Other Planets. Essay1587 Words   |  7 Pagesthemselves asking is Is there life on other planets? Since the first famously documented UFO sighting in 1947, the idea of extra-terrestrial life has been debated almost non-stop. The subject has inspired many TV programs, such as The X-Files, and films (Mars Attacks, Independence Day, and the Men in Black films to name but a few). Scientists have come up with many new ideas and ways of trying to either prove or disprove the existence of life elsewhere. Mars is a very similar planet to earth

Monday, December 23, 2019

All Quiet On The Western Front - 1129 Words

In Erich Maria Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, soldiers at the front have a better idea than civilians of the true nature of war because they have experienced the war while civilians have only read about it or listened to government propaganda. Remarque is trying to tell us that only those who experience the war can understand how awful war truly is. In All Quiet on the Western Front, the main character Paul goes back to his home, the people he meets still think that the Germans are winning the war. During the war, Paul takes a leave for 17 days to go back home to visit sick mother and family. While back home, the villagers come and talk to Paul about the war. They discuss what land they will take. The villagers think that†¦show more content†¦The soldiers at the front have a better idea about the true nature of war because they have experienced the war themselves. During the war, Paul sees that his friends die or get injured. Kemmerich is the first of Paul’s friend to lose their leg in the battle. Paul notices that Kemmerich did not feel that his leg was amputated. Paul remembers Kemmerich as a childhood friend before they had signed up for the army. Paul finds Kemmerich dead after he tries to find a doctor to cure Kemmerich. After Kemmerich’s death, many of Paul’s friends died near the end of the war. Kropp’s leg is also amputated like Kemmerich when he was shot after running away from a battle with Paul. Kropp soon dies afterward after getting a fever from the wound. Paul finds out that another friend, Mà ¼ller, dies after being shot in the stomach. Mà ¼ller gives everything away before he dies, including the boots that Kemmerich gave Paul to give to Mà ¼ller. Paul says that he would give the boot to Tjaden when his time is up. The next person to die is Company Commander Bertinck; he died after being shot in the chest. After Bertinck death, another friend of Paul named Leer is shot in the arm and later dies of eternal bleeding. Many of Paul’s friends also died from the lack of foods and supplies. One of his oldest and closest friends, Katczinsky, is also wounded during the battle. When Katczinsky was wounded, Paul tries to carry Katczinsky all the way back to safety. When he makes it back to

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Group Work and Free Riders Mitigating the Situation Free Essays

In most universities, if not all, group work aims to enhance the learning experience of students. This is primarily done through collaboration among the students in meeting specific objectives for group activities. While group work trains students in work-related skills, it also improves their personal inclinations to adjust to a group environment where individual tasks may be designated in order to meet the goals of the collective whole. We will write a custom essay sample on Group Work and Free Riders: Mitigating the Situation or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, group work can also serve potential problems to the group in terms of members who are mere ‘free riders’. These loafers may not be of any use or help to the entire group since they do not provide significant contributions. Instead of aiding the group in keeping with the tasks at hand, the free riders become burdens to the group, thereby giving weight to the tasks all the more. One way to mitigate this problem is to give less complicated and less tedious tasks to the ‘free riders’ in the group while keeping a closer eye on their performance. It can be said that collaboration among group members helps in easing the larger chunk of the tasks involved. A reasonable distribution of tasks among members is â€Å"an advantage to a group essentially because it divides the general tasks required necessary for achieving certain goals (Barley Kunda, 2001, p. 78). † Although the distribution of tasks may vary depending on several factors which include but is not limited to individual capabilities, it nevertheless creates the sense where each member has a definitive role and share in the interest of the group. By doing so, every member is also given certain responsibilities to meet under a specified timeframe. More importantly, the distribution of tasks entails certain expectations from the members. In the end, the overall welfare and performance of the group will have to depend on the members themselves. Since both the welfare and the performance of the group rely on the individual members, free riders among the group can pose serious disadvantages not only to the entire group but also to those who are working appropriately with their designated tasks (Pelled, 1996, p. 616). For one, there may be a psychological effect on the attitude of the other members when the ‘free riders’ tend to give no consideration for their respective responsibilities. When there are members of your group who do not function according to the group’s expectation, it is most likely the case that the other members will have negative responses whether explicit or not. It can affect their individual inclination to perform their duties because they can be influenced with regard to their behavior in doing their responsibilities. In order to mitigate the problems posed by the free riders in the group, these group members should only be given less complicated and less tedious tasks. It should also be the case that the free riders should be given more attention or focus from the group members since the free riders are the ones who are most likely to give problems to the group in terms of the completion of tasks among others. Given a number of tasks involved in completing the group requirements, the division of tasks should be appropriated in such a way that the perceived ‘free riders’ are given the lighter responsibilities instead of the tedious ones (Phillips Phillips, 1993, p. 534). The roles to be given to these members should be the ones which, when removed or separated from the overall product of the group work, can only give minor disadvantages. These minor disadvantages can come in the form of the absence of peripheral parts of the group work. By doing so, even if the free riders in the group are not able to submit their expected contributions to the group the overall group project can nevertheless still stand on its own. Or it can also be the case that even without the minor contributions from the free riders the rest of the group can still be able to amend the situation by fulfilling the peripheral tasks left behind. Moreover, the free riders should be given more focus by the group members so as to at least make certain that their tasks are met and that no delays will hinder the progress of the group work. This can be done by constant meeting with the group members so that the tasks can be done while every member is present. When each member of the group is present, there will be more chances for the group members to keep a close attention on what everybody else is doing (Formanek Sibley, 1991, p. 650). By doing so, the free riders will also be guided accordingly by the other members of the group in cases when the free riders are unable to efficiently perform their responsibilities. An early correction of the perceived problems can â€Å"greatly help in arriving at a thoroughly crafted products or goals at the end of the day (Parboteeah Cullen, 2003, p. 139). † However, one problem that can surface even in the light of the suggestions offered to mitigate the probable problems that may be encountered by the group with regard to the free riding members is the problem of the total absence or non-participation of these members. If the free riders in the group do not actually attend meetings or escape from participating in the group tasks, even the suggestions to mitigate the perceived problems may not be able to fully address the problems. Nevertheless, one thing that can be done to avoid the eventual downfall of the group as caused by the free riders is that the rest of the group can choose to take charge of the supposed responsibilities of the free riders as early as possible. After that, the rest of the members can then suggest to the teacher or the instructor in charge to relieve the supposed free riders from being members of the group due to the reason of complete lack of participation. In general, as long as there remains the possibility of controlling the problem, mitigating the situation is still the best option. In fact, the act of mitigating the situation in itself is already a task which requires a collective effort from at least the majority of the group. More importantly, mitigating the situation can win back the free riders as functioning members of the group, thus leading to fruitful results to the group as a whole and to each member of the body. References Barley, S. R. , Kunda, G. (2001). Bringing Work Back In. Organization Science, 12(1), 78. Formanek, E. , Sibley, D. (1991). The Group Determinant Determines the Group. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 112(3), 650. Parboteeah, K. P. , Cullen, J. B. (2003). Social Institutions and Work Centrality: Explorations beyond National Culture. Organization Science, 14(2), 139. Pelled, L. H. (1996). Demographic Diversity, Conflict, and Work Group Outcomes: An Intervening Process Theory. Organization Science, 7(6), 616. Phillips, L. D. , Phillips, M. C. (1993). Faciliated Work Groups: Theory and Practice. The Journal of the Operational Research Society 44(6), 534. How to cite Group Work and Free Riders: Mitigating the Situation, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Healthcare Business

Question: Describe some processes at which we can progresses the healthcare business effectiveness using IT. Answer: Introduction In today's date computer and Information Technology (IT) are an essential part of every business. In this competitive market, every business needs to invest more in IT. Information technology benefits the business world by allowing organizations to work more efficiently to increase productivity. Information Technology drastically changed the lives of different organizations and their owners. People prefer online shopping than outdoor shopping, digital marketing than door to door marketing, digital communication than letter conversation, etc. , and they are more active in social media. Everything is happening only because of the new advanced technology brought by IT, and all the aspects of a business is successfully handled by IT sector. With the usage of IT in healthcare field quality of services have increased many folds. So for healthcare business planning, patient care, clinical analysis, effective marketing, sales, systematic management, monitoring, instant customer support and l ong-term business growth can't be achieved without IT. Resource The success of every business depends on certain factors. Some of which are an accurate analysis of the product, choosing the right technology the future vision. IT is the smartest and valuable technology through which we can analyze specific data thoroughly and plan the business journey in that way. For example in healthcare analytics tool can be one of the most useful tools to keep track of patient records, trends, health information, quality service, etc. Describing some processes at which we can progresses the healthcare business effectiveness using IT. Process Models : First of all, we have to prepare a process model which represents various steps through which all the tasks should be executed. The main goal to prepare these models is to achieve the required goal within a short period. These models can show all the process healthcare business is going through and satisfy all the customer requirements. Use Cases Use Stories : It shows the sequence of events and process to achieve the goal. In this section we have to consider different criteria, cases, and scenario. Meaningful data analysis can be done to arrive at use cases and design best practices for healthcare. Designing : Design different models of different departments. Then combine all these and prepare a process model of the business taking into account all the aspects. Data Analysis : Different data analytics and reporting methods can be used to monitor patient health trend, quality of care, medicine inventory, performance metrics, etc. Research and Development : Analyzing the clinical data, diagnosis, sharing of information over internet, storage of information over cloud and ease of availability of data anytime anywhere helps the research and development department in many ways. Testing : The testing process is very much required to cross check all the process are running as intended and test the overall productivity. Benefit Advantage There are lots of advantages that IT can provide to healthcare businesses. For example: Efficiency : IT allows different types of tools and software or different applications which allow the organization to work effectively and systematically. There are certain things which can be tracked in a proper way for successful growth e.g. research data, analytical reports, product documentation, scheduled work and deadlines. The database of a company shows how big it is and how successfully they imply their ideas in society. All these work can be done by better time management , lesser human error, improved performance easily overcoming any risk. Cost-Effectiveness : As we have all the things at our door step and handle it in an effective way so now we can easily control our life. If company totally upgrades and automates its organization through software implementation, then it will require less employee to run business. There are so many instruments and applications available which automate the process and reduces most of the manual work. Take an example customers can log in to healthcare portals, book appointments, view medical reports, talk to doctors by themselves and it doesn't need a representative at each step to help the customer. Overall it simplifies the work in most cost effective way for any healthcare organization. Speed : At a time computer can do lots of work like analyzing clinical records, collecting different information of customers, their health reports and progress, feedback about the services, etc. It can speed up the organization work in a sustainable way. Computers do allow companies to operate much faster. It produces better quality of products, and operation is more simple and reliable. Through the internet service now computer can do lots of work quickly from anyplace where internet service is available. Research and Development : Before going through any product manufacturing or process, implementation companies must have to do internal research and plan their requirement. Research can be done over the internet using different software products, mobile applications. Product pictures can be virtually created, and we can edit any details of it (Elliot,1999). Product cost and requirement also can be easily evaluated and edited if required. We can create an actual physical model by using a 3d printer, even there are cases where artificial limbs have been manufactured by using 3d printer technology. Sales : Software system also helps to sale your healthcare products online via different mobile applications or company websites. Most of the business now operate online which helps in gathering more customers. Through website, people around the world can purchase their product. IT breaks the time zone as well as geographical borders. Risk Factor brought by IT If any business is operated through IT, then there are certain range of risk factors which a users should be aware of. These are of 3 types. General IT Threats : General IT system failure - As computers are working through electric power, so there is a chance of failure of system hardware or software. Malware - There are many malicious software which can disrupt the normal computer operation (Daintith,2009). Viruses - Sometimes some disrupting computer codes damage the system which copies the code itself and spread it from one computer to another. Spam, Scams Phishing - These are some unsolicited email which can fool people into revealing their personal details or buying fraudulent products (Grembergen,2009). Human Error - Sometimes some problems arise due to careless data disposal or incorrect data processing or infected email attachments. Criminal IT Threat Hackers - People using some software knowledge illegally damage the computer system (Haes,2009), may even steal valuable and confidential data. Fraud - Sometimes the private details of the customer can be used for some other activity or attack for monetary benefits in unauthorized ways. Security Breakdown - It includes a private data breakdown as well as a monetary transaction breakdown. Staff Dishonesty - It shows the misuse of sensitive customer information. Natural Disaster IT System Fire, cyclone, floods is the biggest risk of IT system. It can damage both computer hardware and software. Manage the Risk Factor We can manage all the risk by taking some care and identifying the risk in advance. For all this we need to follow some process. These are Before installing any software first identify the risk carefully. Evaluate all the risk sequentially Prepare the solution of all the risk. Develop the plan for the response to all risk. Finally, review the management procedures in a certain interval. Conclusion IT system is the most innovative and advanced system and has made a tremendous contribution towards medicinal research, healthcare product development, and social wellness. It is always reliable and provides the smartest way to carry out different aspects of healthcare business process. Organizations have to spend some reasonable cost to implement IT in their business, but the results are far rewarding and get success in the right way. With the help of IT, today's healthcare system not only has access to most advanced technologies but also made huge progress in research and social innovation. The future of healthcare looks more IT oriented and more technically advanced. Glossary Term Definition 3D printer 3 Dimensional Printer BPM Business Process Management BRM Business Reference Model Phishing An attempt to acquire sensitive information for malicious reasons PLC Programmable Logic Controller IT IT: Information Technology References Daintith, John, D( 2009), IT A Dictionary of Physics: Oxford University Press. Elliot, D., Swartz, E., Herbane, B., D(1999), Just waiting for the next big bang: business continuity planning in the UK finance sector. Journal of Applied Management Studies, Vol. 8, pp. 43-60. Grembergen, Van, Haes, De, Steven Wim, D(2009), Enterprise Governance of IT: Achieving Strategic Alignment and Value, Springer. Haes, De Van, Wim Grembergen, D(2009), Exploring the relationship between IT governance practices and business/IT alignment through extreme case analysis in Belgian mid-to-large size financial enterprises, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 615-637.